Sunday, May 26, 2013

Funny, Beautiful, Interesting, Kind. (Vol. 2)

funny beautiful interesting kind (vol. 2) |

For Mother's Day, Anne and I made these cute little watercolor handprint flowers to send to both of her grandmothers and mine. I put them in envelopes and sealed them, and since I couldn't find my stash of stamps, sent them with my husband to mail from his office. Somehow, the one for my mom slipped out of his pocket on his way to work, and we couldn't find it anywhere! I was really upset, and hurriedly made another one (not nearly as good as the first), and walked to the post office to mail it. Two days later, my mom received BOTH cards! Some sweet, thoughtful person had seen my hand-addressed card on the sidewalk, picked it up, put a stamp on it, and put it in the mail! I wish there was a way for me to thank them for going out of their way to show kindness to a complete stranger!!

What happened in your week that was funny, beautiful, interesting, or kind?

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